Sigurður Gísli Bjarnason Inngangur Samræmiskröfur eru mikið í umræðunni á öllum þeim netöryggisviðburðum sem ég sæki þessa dagana og því datt mér í hug að…
Sigurður Gísli Bjarnason Inngangur Samræmiskröfur eru mikið í umræðunni á öllum þeim netöryggisviðburðum sem ég sæki þessa dagana og því datt mér í hug að…
Smá samantekt um vefveiðar og önnur svindl
Við kynnum Boðorðin 10 í netöryggismálum. Þessi boðorð, eða heilræði öllu heldur, eru eitthvað sem allir geta notað til að bæta öryggi sitt á netinu og fengið þar með aukna hugarró.
In this post we explain what goes into a good vulnerability management program, to keep it blog length it is rather high level.
Introduction In this article, I will discuss FUD, why it is a problem, how to identify it, and what to do about it. So what…
Introduction Presenting the Ten Commandments of Infosec. Here are ten things everyone can do today to improve their cybersecurity posture, plus one bonus for system…
Introduction In this article, I want to go over how one might classify all the different Cybersecurity Consultancies out there and explain how we see…
Today I want to talk about online privacy concerns. When it comes to online privacy, I tend to take a slightly different road than many…
Explanation of what encryption is, how it works and where is it used as well as the CIA triad is, in common every day English.
This blog describes what zero trust is and what you need to think about if you are wanting to go that route.